Connection Points: How to Start Using Stories to Build Relationships
Social connectedness feels good, and it is the antidote of loneliness. Most people understand how important it is for life and health. But what is a tangible first step you can take towards connecting with a family or friend in your life? How do you get started? And then how do you make the connection deeper?
READ MOREWhen Mother's Day Isn't Easy
I’ve seen a trend in my inbox these past few weeks; subject lines that read, “option to opt out of Mother’s Day emails.” When I open the message, there’s text inside that reads something along the lines of ‘this day can bring up a lot’ or ‘We get it, Mother’s Day is tough.’
READ MOREThe Greatest Gift - Patrick's Story
The Greatest Gift by Patrick McGee
I was born on September 12, 1956, in Santa Ana, California. My father was superintendent of the Orange County Juvenile Hall. For the first few years of my life, we led a charmed existence where everyone knew us. My earliest recollections of my dad are of him walking out across the front yard carrying his briefcase and wearing his suit and tie.
READ MOREWe Have a Need for Speed: Innovations in Agetech
The Numbers
Right now there are approximately 54 million people in the US over the age of 65. By 2040, that number is projected to rise to 80.8 million, and then to 94.7 million in 2060. 5.8 million Americans were living with Alzheimer’s disease in 2020. That number will nearly triple unless something changes by 2060.
Growing Older
By Harry "Rick" Moody, PhD (Reprinted from the Human Values in Aging Newsletter March 2022)
That old Vaudeville joke got it down right: “Denial isn’t just the name of a river in Egypt.” Well, on Feb. 20, I had my 77th birthday. It turns out that 77 years means you’ve spent exactly 4,000 weeks on earth. See: “Four Thousand Weeks: Time and How to Use It by Oliver Burkeman – review”
The Vietnam Truck Driver
My father, LaVerne Payne, was drafted and served in Vietnam as a truck driver for the 1st Field Forces and later he was transferred to the 4th Infantry Division in 1967. He is pictured above.
READ MORECaring for Vietnam Veterans and All Veterans
A total of 2.7 million Americans served in the Vietnam War, 58,220 died in combat, over 150,000 were wounded and less than 850,000 are still alive today. They are the largest group of United States Veterans today and most are eligible for Social Security and Medicare, which means caregivers in the aging field need to be aware of the unique concerns and healthcare needs these veterans face.
READ MOREFamily Treasures
I was recently at a baby shower for my cousin when my Great-Aunt Kaye called all the women of the family to the kitchen. “I have an announcement to make,” she said. Aunt Kaye is nearing 90 and so we couldn’t help but worry that she planned to tell us something about her health.
READ MOREA Life of Love: Marjorie's Story
My name is Marjorie. I was born in 1929 in Ohio County, Indiana. I have had true love in my life in several ways. I have been blessed with a loving family growing up. When I met and married Jim, we shared true love until he passed away, and that love still remains. I'm also very blessed to have a loving family (4 children, 9 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren and still growing). And I have experienced the true love of Jesus for me, and I for Him. Praise the Lord!
A Matter of the Heart: The Impact of Relationships on Health
Ahhh February–the month we celebrate love and relationships of all kinds–romantic, yes, but also friendship and familial love. Relationships truly are worth celebrating. They are intrinsic to both our enjoyment and quality of life as humans, and they have a huge impact on our physical health.