Only 1 million of 16 million WWII Veterans remain. Act now!

This is our last chance to gather the life stories of the World War II generation. Both veterans and their spouses have amazing memories and experiences to share without delay. Over the next few years, this is our opportunity to learn more about our parents and grandparents. These stories will be lost or forgotten if they are not recorded. Here is your chance.


Using Biographical Data to Impact Person-Centered Care for Culture Change

What if every person had a biography? What if a resident/client could be viewed in various stages of life so that staff could see the myriad of experiences they have lived through? What difference would it make? Is it possible that capturing life stories is truly the answer to many of the problems facing assisted living providers today?


Beating Loneliness Through Life Stories

A recent U.S. study found that social isolation and loneliness are major health risks---as bad or worse than chronic illness, obesity, smoking 15 cigarettes a day, or alcoholism. This report joins a host of other recent studies, revealing what those of us on the culture change journey already know: Loneliness is a killer. The best outcomes are a necessity in the changing health care landscape. So, addressing social isolation, sooner rather than later, is vital to your organization’s success.


The Story Behind Tomatoes and an Apple on the Kitchen Counter

This weekend I was standing in my kitchen, deciding what to fix my husband and son for dinner (our daughter just left for college). I eyed the tomatoes on the counter from our garden, and I decided that I should try to make homemade tomato soup.


LifeBio's Hotline number is 1-866-LIFEBIO

For those in Canada or around the world, you can also reach LifeBio at 937-303-4576.  Our email is  LifeBio provides life story, memory care, and programming solutions for senior living and health care providers.   We have creative ways to meet the needs of those aging normally or those with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's Disease, or other forms of dementia. 


Father's Day

Father's Day is coming up next month on June 15! It's always a stressful time thinking of what to get your father for this special day. He's been there for you your whole life, helping you fix things, working through problems, and supporting you through life's milestones. You want to show your appreciation for him with a special gift, but what to get him? Over the years, I've given my dad more sports memorabilia, hats, and fishing equipment than he will ever know what to do with. One memorable year I gave him a brush to clean his tires.


7 Tips for Writing Your Autobiography

Writing your autobiography can be a scary thing to think about. Where do I even begin? Here are several tips to help ease the process. You'll have your own personal autobiography in no time!


Importance of Life Stories

When my grandmother died a couple of years ago, my family and I spent a couple of days going through her things to either get rid of them or keep them ourselves. As we went through her house, I found a couple of photo albums. There was a picture of her at seventeen with my grandfather right before he went off to World War Two, and there were several of her and him as teenagers sitting in a car. She was so young and beautiful, and I found myself thinking. What was she like as a teenager? How did she feel when my grandfather went off to war? Where exactly were they going in that car?


Keep Family Stories Alive

Sharing stories encourages a closer, more meaningful relationship with your children and grandchildren. Family's stories are worth telling because you may be able to describe people, times and places that no one else in the family knows about. Lastly, you can help the next generation—inspiring, teaching and modeling strength and courage for them.