Health Care & Senior Living

LifeBio offers an evidence-based approach to improve health outcomes through person-centered care. Knowing the whole person and engaging them makes a difference.

LifeBio captures life stories in senior living and health care organizations. The LifeBio Memory reminiscence therapy app (available on iOS or Android tablets or smartphones) assists your organization in learning and knowing the person's life story.  The app will voice record a person's story OR it can help the family record the story too (if someone is unable to communicate for themselves). LifeBio is an evidence-based solution

See LifeBio Memory in action!  


  • Easy to Use - The LifeBio Memory iOS/Android app starts dynamic story conversations to increase engagement. 
  • Competitive Edge - LifeBio Memory is an essential component of aging services, person-centered care, and excellence in memory care. 
  • Research-Based - LifeBio's proven life story methods and reminiscence therapy reduced depressive symptoms by 15% and increased efficiency and effectiveness of care staff. 
  • Rich Insights - Knowing more about each person's background and interests leads to individualized life enrichment and personalized ideas for care planning.

LifeBio partners with communities and organizations to use the power of life story to impact care. Life stories improve overall quality, personal relationships, and health outcomes. LifeBio uses high tech methods (like our app or web methods) or low tech methods (such as Phone Interviews or Journals) to capture the story information. On-demand training through the app and "live" Getting Started Training are two ways training is delivered to staff. 

Knowing a person’s background and preferences can help defuse difficult situations and lessen boredom and anxiety. LifeBio highlights a person’s life patterns and preferences, helping direct care staff learn the best approach to care. During LifeBio phone interviews, family members provide key biographical information to help your organization deliver the best quality service.

Besides the digital story captured, a popular option is for the LifeBio story process to create these materials. Let's discuss what's preferred for your organization's needs. 

For more information specific to your type of organization, click the appropriate link(s) below.


Marketing Advantage

Family expectations are high. They expect staff to know the whole person. LifeBio helps marketing, life enrichment, and staff in all levels of care work together to ease onboarding and transitions.

LifeBio differentiates your community in competitive markets. Demonstrating higher levels of connection can enhance the lives of those who participate, their families, and staff. LifeBio can use your initial marketing and social history data as a starting point to build a thorough life story for each resident.

For Nursing Homes / Skilled Nursing

Ask us about Civil Monetary Penalty grant opportunities. Deadlines vary by state.  

Knowing the Whole Person -- Made Easier Than Ever

LifeBio CEO, Beth Sanders, explains her motivation for starting LifeBio. Beth tells her personal story of learning about her grandmother as a whole person. She talks about the importance of getting to know a person and their story. LifeBio aides in using a person’s story for person-centered care.

Record the background of people reaching advanced age or facing life-threatening illnesses or memory loss.

Increase feelings of wellbeing and happiness, while delivering excellence in person-centered care.

Used by health plans, senior living, nursing homes, hospitals, and all types of health care providers. Both LifeBio and MyHello are available and customizable to your organization's needs.

Bring out the best stories and key information-- help the person share his or her legacy without delay or difficulty, for excellence in person-centered or patient-centered care.

LifeBio is the premier life story and communication platform used in health care and senior living organizations.

LifeBio offers customizable license agreements, which include materials, training, and ongoing support. For more information, a sample pack, or a custom quote, please complete the attached form.

Please request more information below.


Use the power of natural storytelling and reminiscence therapy to promote wellbeing. Iowa State University found there was a statistically-significant increase in happiness and satisfaction with life when using the LifeBio process with individuals over age 65. Studies and projects with LifeBio are underway in conjunction with the Mayo Clinic and at the University of Alabama. Because LifeBio increases purpose and meaning, there is a great potential for lowering of overall health care costs while improving health outcomes.

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