MyHello is changing lives!

Birds of a feather flock together... But what happens if isolation prevents flocking?

LifeBio designed MyHello to be a loneliness intervention. While it has been geared towards serving elders, it is not limited to any particular ages. The idea is that weekly telephone calls will help increase social connectedness and help cut down on feelings of isolation and depression, even more so during our nation’s current pandemic. There are different types of telephone calls available, depending on what a person finds most suitable to individual needs and preferences.


Emotional Wellness- Part 2 of 2

(This is a continuation from LifeBio’s blog on Emotional Wellness from Tuesday, June 30th.)


Storytelling and Emotional Wellness

Being a storyteller allows us to have control of the story we share. When we are allowed to construct a story, we get to determine the important parts. We can choose what to include, and we can filter out things that we deem smaller or less significant. We can find the deeper meaning in it all. We get to determine the significant characters, the important events, the turning points that we tell, and how things shape us. While living through events, we can interpret them through storytelling. We can decide if and what we want to share from our story with others on our journey. Jonathan Adler, PhD and professor of psychology, says, “You may not have control over all your circumstances, but you can choose how to tell the story.”


MyHello Success Stories

“Hello again, hello. Just called to say hello…

Hello, my friend, hello. Just called to let you know I think about you…

Hello… It’s good to need you so. It’s good to need you like I do and to feel this way when I hear you say, ‘Hello.’”

(From “Hello Again” written by Neil Diamond and Alan Lindgren)


It is natural that occasionally we want to know we are thought of. Sometimes we want to hear that someone cares about us. At times we want to be reminded that we matter. Especially during times of social isolation, feelings of loneliness and depression can creep in on us. During those times in particular, it can be so good to hear from someone checking in with us, just letting us know they are thinking about us and want to hear us say “hello” back.


Gateway Foster Grandparents Reconnect During Trying Times

Sometimes in the most difficult of times, the most amazing things happen.


Gateway Community Action Partnership’s Foster Grandparents experienced a time of togetherness during the current COVID-19 pandemic that was as unexpected as the virus itself. Working with, Gateway’s Foster Grandparents were able to bridge the cyber gap to reconnect and offer each other support. LifeBio provided free access to an easy to use telephone platform, called MyHelloLine, each Thursday afternoon for four weeks in late May through mid-June. It was so successful that it will restart again for four more weeks in July.


15 Questions You Could Ask a Person Living With Dementia Over the PHONE

It may seem tough to communicate with a person living with Alzheimer's Disease or other related dementias by phone. Here are two tips for starters.