In Praise of Fathers…

 “As an early entrepreneur, my grandpa, Henry Deblieck, started a small dairy delivery business on the west side of Chicago in the early 1900’s. Every day he would buy milk and dairy products from local producers, then deliver them in his horse-drawn wagon. One of his stops was a local tavern."


Storytelling for Health and Wellbeing

Storytelling is powerful and it is natural. Why should it be encouraged?  Because it is also good for people's health and sense of wellbeing.  


Writing a Story Online -- The Life Story Made Easier Than Ever Before

It is amazing when a person's life story can be built online. For many people, it is the only way to go, especially for those that want to avoid like the plague just staring at a blank sheet of paper wondering where to start.  Why not use the power of a website to write your life story online


Reminiscence Therapy: Effective for a Number of Reasons

I remember visiting Judy's back porch in her memories. She pointed to her father who was sitting to her left and her brother who was drinking lemonade at the table. In the distance, she smelled and saw the pink rhododendron bushes and she felt the breeze in the air.  Her mother was preparing food in the kitchen and a picnic on the porch was about to begin. It was like we were there, and, for Judy, we were there. We were visiting this sweet memory together. I also could feel that Judy didn’t really want to come back right away.  That was okay. She was truly enjoying the moment....and so was I as the listener.


New Teen/Kids version of LifeBio makes its debut

We realize that children may also want to tell their life stories, and their parents find their responses fascinating.  That's why now has a Kids/Teen template inside.  The questions were developed by asking our own children what they would like to talk about -- school, friends, sports, favorite costumes, and just life in general.  


LifeBio helps those with terminal illnesses to write a letter to future generations

LifeBio's new "Letter to My Children and Loved Ones" template provides a simple approach to empower mothers and fathers to share their memories, wishes, and advice with present and future generations.


Loneliness is associated with higher health care utilization among older adults

Mar 2015 - A new study. published in the American Journal of Public Health, finds that loneliness is associated with higher health care utilization (more doctor visits).  We find this of great importance at because we are building interventions to connect seniors to other seniors using reminiscence therapy to build positive, lasting relationships to increase social connectedness in health care, senior care, and home settings.


Software for building a social history or lifestyle assessment online

If you have been looking for a way to automate and improve the gathering of social history and lifestyle assessment data, LifeBio has a solution for you.  Using LifeBio's web-based collaborative database, it is possible to load in your organization's preferred social and spiritual history templates so that electronic data can be compiled and stored privately inside LifeBio's database. This data can also be integrated between LifeBio and your preferred electronic health record system.