LifeBio Very Detailed Tutorial with Pictures
Using LifeBio is as easy as 1, 2, 3…
That being said, if you would have any questions, problems, or need assistance with any of these steps, please contact us on our website at or via email at, or call us at 1-866-543-3246.
READ MOREHow to Tell a Life Story
Do you want to document the life story of a loved one, such as a grandparent or parent? Are you ready to share your own life story? Do you want to record your child answering questions as they grow older, to see how their answers develop with time? Do you want the ability to save photos, your family tree, and even audio recordings of your family members sharing memories? Wouldn’t it be great if you could do all of this in one place? Now you CAN!
READ MOREUntold Stories
A Unique Story
You are special. You are a wonderful and unique individual. You are who you are because of the people, places, and events that have influenced your life. Your interpretation of those experiences creates your world view. While there are some remarkable historical events that we have shared, your part is unique to you. People want to know your story!
15 Questions You Could Ask a Person Living With Dementia Over the PHONE
It may seem tough to communicate with a person living with Alzheimer's Disease or other related dementias by phone. Here are two tips for starters.
READ MORESocial Distancing is Tough. Great Ideas to Stay Engaged and Use Your Free Time Effectively.
A common phrase amidst the responses to the spreading Coronavirus (Covid-19) is social distancing. This means some schools now have extended spring breaks. Sporting events, concerts, and other activities are canceled. Many public places like libraries, movie theaters, casinos, and churches are temporarily closing. In some places eat-in restaurants are shut down for the time being. People are encouraged to stay home and avoid contact with others, to slow the spread of the contagion.
READ MOREThat's What It's All About
As a child did you ever put your right leg in and put your right leg out? Surely at a wedding or some gathering you have put your right leg in and shaken it all about. Have you done the Hokey Pokey and turned yourself about? Some say that’s what it’s all about.
READ MOREFostering Friendships, Lessening Loneliness
How do we make new friendships? When we were younger, it may have felt easier to make friends. Many of us first met our friends through our neighborhood, school, college, or place of worship. With time, as many people get into relationships and start families, we may meet friends through commonalities such as other young couples or new parents.
READ MORESweet Talk (Reminiscing about Valentine's Days past)
I grew up in a family with three daughters. While you might think that this would mean our home had an excess of shoe boxes pass through it, that never seemed to be the case in time for Valentine’s Day. More than one year we had to search for enough boxes for all three of us girls to decorate for our Valentine’s parties. I recall once even removing all the Kleenex from the box in the bathroom, in order to decorate it for my class party. (My father may have been less enthused to later discover the piles of Kleenex I left askew on the back of the toilet.)
READ MORERemembering Our Loved Ones is Powerful and Important
I watched Google's ad called "Loretta" with great interest during the Super Bowl. It tugged at my heartstrings and probably yours as well. Why perhaps?
READ MOREWhat if your story is my medicine and my story is yours?
What if your story is my medicine and my story is yours? Story is medicine. It touches the soul. Story is a powerful tool to bring people together. When I hear your story, I walk in your shoes and experience feelings of caring and empathy. When you walk in my shoes, I can unburden myself from the problems of the day or relay my hopes, my feelings, or my emotions. Together, we may make each other laugh or cry. Another human being is a challenge to listen to and to understand. Every person has a story to tell, and every person benefits from both listening and being listened to.