Why Did It Spill?

Have you heard the story about a person holding a cup of coffee? When the person is accidentally bumped into by someone else, coffee sloshes out of the cup onto the person’s shirt and the floor. When asked, “Why did you spill the coffee?” the person holding the cup replies, “Because someone bumped into me!”

That is not the entirely the correct answer though. Coffee was spilled because there was coffee inside the cup. Had there been tea in the cup, tea would have been spilled. Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.


This Week Our Mission Takes Center Stage To Tell the Greatest Stories Never Told for Longer, Happier, Healthier lives

Thousands of years ago, cave dwellers painted on walls to warn of dangers or depict important events. The ancient Greeks and Romans shared myths and stories to influence everyday life. The Bible, Shakespeare and Guttenberg all accelerated the sharing of stories. Even today, Aborigines in Australia’s Outback use “song lines” and the Native American tribes use ancient oral histories to trace their journeys and discover themselves through those who came before.


Count Your Blessings

One of my blessings that I regularly look forward to is that I get to partake in a group telephone call each week. Most weeks there are 15 to 25 people on the call. We live in different states all across the United States, and we range in age from being in our 40s to our 80s. Each week we try to talk about a different topic, and we generally avoid politics or controversial topics. We may also share our joys and sorrows from week to week, and when needed we may ask for prayers and uplifting thoughts. As an unspoken rule though, we aim to keep things positive and pretty upbeat.


For Auld Lang Syne

It is nearly time to say farewell to 2020, and soon we will be ringing in 2021. What a year this has been! Will you be happy to wish 2020 goodbye? Are you gladly rushing to push it out the door, locking the door behind it? Many people are ready to move past what has been one of the most difficult years of their lives, and with good reason.


LifeBio Partners with Northwestern University’s Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence Program

LifeBio has partnered with Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, as a technology partner for their Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (MSAI) program. This partnership allows LifeBio to work with students who understand AI technology and business, while providing students a platform to hone their skills on modern-day opportunities and challenges, under the direction of faculty and practicing AI professionals.


LifeBio Cares

Recently several members from our LifeBio Cares program hand wrote 75 cards with messages of hope and inspiration. This week team members Sandy and Cindy delivered these cards to be distributed to residents living at the Gables, a local senior living community. While 2020 has been a difficult year in so many ways, we hope to spread some joy during the holidays and help start 2021 off right!


New LifeBio Book Covers Are Here

LifeBio has new book cover designs. Once customers have completed their life story and are ready to print, they can choose their preferred book cover while selecting other printing and mailing options. Login to your LifeBio account or start a free 14-day trial account to get started today! 


Mourning the Losses in the "Hap, Happiest Season of All"​

Today a song came on the radio and I wasn't prepared for how it would make me feel. It was Andy Williams singing, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." I love to sing! I launched into the song at the top of my lungs, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I kept singing, but I was singing through loads of big, fat tears. I was crying a LOT as I kept singing, "It's the hap, happiest season of all!"


The Power of Life Stories in Health Care

Every person has a story to tell. Storytelling is something we have experienced around the kitchen table or a warm campfire. Tales of great joy, tragedy, adventure, or love are told as we share our own human experiences with each other. Narrative and reminiscing are appropriate and useful in health care (narrative medicine, narrative care, humanities in medicine). It is also useful in daily life because: 1) Nearly anyone can participate in life review; 2) Life stories can help with a positive sense of identity; and 3) As people reach the end of their lives, it can result in integrity and reconciliation (Kenyon, et al. 2011, p. 291-292). It is especially helpful in the lives of older people as psychiatrist Dr. Robert Butler first documented in 1963; it comes naturally to reminisce with the familiarity and comfort of sharing about one’s past experiences, especially as people reach into their 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and beyond.


How to Connect and Consider Special Circumstances Over the Holidays

Traditions are the handing down of beliefs or cultures through the generations. Sometimes we strictly adhere to traditions, while other times our traditions may evolve throughout time. Perhaps your family has a tradition of making pie or some other secret recipe for a holiday gathering. If it is a recipe your whole family loves, you may choose to leave it the exact same year after year. However, maybe in trying to be a little healthier one year your mother changed the recipe to stop using lard and instead substitute unsalted butter. The pie crust still tasted wonderful, and the tradition held but with a slightly tweaked recipe.