Autobiography Class for Libraries

Every person should have the chance to write a book! Libraries are an ideal place to offer autobiography writing classes. Regardless of someone's age, there are people, times, and places to the library is great place for friendships to form. Although autobiography classes are usually most appealing to those over 50 or seniors, there is no reason why a library wouldn't be able to include adults of any age in a course to capture life stories. An autobiography class in a library for seniors or all ages should include a great ice breaker, opportunities for people to tell and share stories, and it shouldn't be overly complicated or intimidating. In other words, even people who consider themselves non-writers should be able to participate.


Technology for nursing homes of the 21st Century

Technology in skilled nursing is very beneficial for the residents, families, and staff. Here are a few reasons why computers in long term care or assisted living will continue to expand now and in the future...


Memories lost. What can be done?

Here's a stunning number. In 2010, over 400,000 Americans were diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. Each year that number is expected to grow, reaching over 600,000 a year by 2030.
LifeBio is laser focused on using innovative technology and other tools to help ensure memories are not lost or forgotten in senior living, health care organizations, nursing homes, adult day programs, and home health care settings. Why?


Reunion games - a conversation starter

One of the challenges of planning games for a reunion is coming up with something that everyone can play together -- younger and older alike. Sack races and balloon tosses are great, but interative family games can be a bit more difficult to plan. Conversation starters can break down barriers and make for a memorable family reunion game for all ages.


Don't let memories be lost or forgotten

It's important to capture your family's history and record a lasting legacy. Record the essence of your parents or grandparents (not just genealogy) and ensure future generations can really know them too. Also, memory loss is a real problem.


Autobiography class for seniors

If you are interested in offering an autobiography class for seniors in your local area, senior center, or library, LifeBio provides the LifeBio 101 Class. This 8-week autobiography class for older adults curriculum is perfect for people of all ages but especially for seniors and boomers.


400,000+ new cases of Alzheimer's Disease each year

Support the efforts of the Alzheimer's Association in your local area. Give to help find a cure for this disease that affects over 5 million Americans today. According to the Alzheimer's Association, in 2000, there were an estimated 411,000 new (incident) cases of Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. For 2010, that number is projected to be 454,000 new cases; by 2030, 615,000; and by 2050, 959,000.


My Life Story -- Lessons learned from 41 years of life experience

Your life story and my life story are unique. I've learned a thing or two through the years and so have you. We don't always think about it or talk about it, but every day of life teaches us all something. I can only imagine that at age 51, 61, 81 or 101, I will most likely name different lessons learned, but here are my thoughts at age 41.


Bible studies for seniors and boomers

Many churches are now using "The Great Story & Your Story: Connecting the Bible to Everyday Lives" for Bible studies for seniors and boomers. This study is appealing because it helps people really relate their own lives to the biblical stories contained. The questions during each week of the 12-week study are autobiographical in nature, leading to very interesting discussions and wonderful opportunities to be heard and to listen.


Snow day activities - why not interview your grandparents

For all those teenagers who have been out of school for a few days, here is your chance to call your grandparents or email them and just say, "Tell me your life story." Then watch what happens! They may actually do it.