gets a facelift just in time for the holidays

Take a look at the NEW  -- click the SIGNUP button to give it a try. Take a free trial.   #Interview a grandparent or a parent.  Tell your own love story, travel story, graduation, or baby story.  Write a full biography about older members in your family. 


Reminiscence therapy: How it works

Reminiscence therapy is used in health care and senior care communities, especially in skilled nursing and memory care. It is also used routinely in speech therapy with older adults. It is effective for connecting with past memories and experiences to build connections and to enhance relationships. 


Best web-based journal that you can easily print out

If you've wanted to get away from your paper journals but you also wanted to still be able to print out what you wrote, LifeBio has the answer.  Inside your account is the ability to freeform journal.  The coolest thing is you can Preview/Print out your journal


Writing an Autobiography: 3 Tips to Make it Easier

Are you staring at a blank piece of paper or a blank computer screen?  You know you have something to say but where should you start?  Thinking back on your life story....there is a lot to remember along the way.   It is hard to do it without some sort of structure to guide you.   Here are 3 tips to get the creative juices flowing from


Cognitive Treatment and Reminiscence Therapy

For speech and occupational therapy providers, there is the opportunity to use reminiscence in delivery of cognitive treatment (97532) in a systematic and organized way.


Creative Marketing Ideas for Financial Advisors

If you've been debating some new and creative marketing ideas for your financial advisor practice, we'd like to suggest a few options that will appeal to older adults and their family members.


How to Tell a Veteran's Life Story

If your parent or grandparent or other loved one served in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, or even later in Iraq or Afghanistan, it could be time to help him or her record life stories.  Veterans have a unique story to tell so it takes a special biography template for veterans to help them accomplish this goal. 


The best autobiography template

If you're seeking an easy way to create your own biography, it is key to cover the important topics of any life story. It all starts with the people who shaped you. Your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, and other relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins) who have been part of your life.


20 questions to ask your parents or grandparents

For a long time, LifeBio had a longer biography process with up to 250 questions. But over time people asked us, "What are some key questions I could ask" my mother, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, or other people in my life?


Create a Family Cookbook in a PDF

Pull together some of your family's favorite recipes in a family cookbook  using  You can tell the story and the tradition behind why you make certain things at the holidays or anytime of year.  Include pictures of your loved ones eating your favorite foods too!