Reminiscence Therapy in Action in Senior Living and Nursing Homes

Take Advantage of LifeBio in All Areas of Campus
Reminiscence Therapy increases happiness and satisfaction with life, as evidence from LifeBio's study with Iowa State University proved. LifeBio also increases feelings of purpose and meaning. Interestingly, a recent Harvard study found that increased purpose reduces hospitalizations. Lessening loneliness also has major health benefits.


Memory Care Program Tips

Senior living communities, retirement communities, assisted living, skilled nursing, adult day programs, and other organizations have a growing interest and need to enhance or add memory care programs to their offerings. Here are four tips to consider for your memory care program of the future...


Benefits of Reminiscing

A seemingly simple process, reminiscence, has been found to have a profound impact on the mental and physical health of individuals, as well as for those who share these memories with the person who is reminiscing.


METAMOR: a new word for positive, older people...GROWING older (not getting older)

I was thinking that there needs to be a new word to replace "senior" in our language. I was thinking that aging brings about change....physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual changes. The new word needs to describe that I began to think of butterflies and the change they undergo getting there. Metamorphosis came to mind...and then "metamor" emerged from that word. Now, not everyone who is getting older can be a "metamor".