14 Ways to Conquer Loneliness

There are times in our lives when we all feel lonely.  Sometimes, our loss is profound:  the death of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship, starting over in a new environment.  Other times, we may simply feel “out of step” with the way everyone else appears to be behaving, or feeling, or with life milestones that others may be accomplishing but which we haven’t quite gotten to yet.  Whatever the reason, though, know that loneliness (on occasion) is normal.  As humans, we naturally crave togetherness and meaningful relationships.  Loneliness may come and go – and come again during different periods of transition in our lives.  While long lasting, persistent feelings of loneliness are not healthy, steps can be taken to alleviate this perception of alienation. 


All the Lonely People

In a recent survey, 43 percent of respondents 45 through 49 are chronically lonely, compared with 25 percent of those 70 and older. What is going on? This article from AARP Magazine is worth reading.