MyHello offers tech-driven social support initiatives offered through health plans, health systems, or providers.
MyHello is ideal for:
How is MyHello funded?
Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) or Medical Loss Ratio (Quality Initiatives) or Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI) are a few options to consider for funding MyHello for members. MyHello is also supported by government funding or other sources of provider funding. MyHello is about supporting people (who may be living alone, who may be lonely or socially isolated), in their efforts to stay independent at home as long as possible, avoiding more costly, institutional care.
Communication and Recruitment of Members
MyHello sets up an easy signup process with a special web link and phone number for members to call. MyHello typically employs an “all in” strategy by mailing, emailing, and calling members to recruit them into the program. The health plan can also take the lead via email or mailings to encourage members to sign up using a unique registration web link or an “Access Code” for confirmation. MyHello is attractive to younger or older members; everyone needs a friend.
MyHello is surveying members for insights and feedback that is shared in automated, routine reporting to plans. Our standard pre-survey, post-survey, and reporting is available for review. Net Promoter Score is a key measurement gathered with MyHello as well as calculating perception of health, anxiety, and loneliness. Additional surveys can easily be given in links or with friendly MyHello Guides with members by phone to support your data goals. Set your organization apart by providing MyHello as a benefit.
MyHello has two distinct options:
MyHello MATCH – MyHello's phone system auto dials two participants for weekly phone visits with each participant assigned a unique toll-free number (to maintain privacy). MyHello matches two participants based on their unique individual profiles, to increase social connectedness and to reduce feelings of loneliness. Proven conversation starters are provided. Inbound phone lines are also provided.
MyHello GUIDED - MyHello's in-house Guides are "guiding" personalized engagement with scripted (but natural) conversations on each tech-powered, engaging phone call. Guides help with recruitment of members, patient, or clients for enrollment. Guides are also involved with customized outreach conversations, gathering demographics, conducting wellness or other types of surveys to measure outcomes, or uncovering Social Determinant of Health (SDoH) for daily automated reporting back to the health plan, health system, or other provider. Request a demo and overview by completing the form below.
MyHello uses LifeBio's reminiscence methods with proven, research-based story questions (past and present) to open new conversations during one-on-one calls. Reminiscence therapy is found to reduce depression and loneliness. Topics of conversation include things such as: music interests, childhood memories, school or work experiences, family relationships, hobbies, and life lessons.
Research and Healthcare Transformation.
Contact us today to learn more about our social support care management solution.