LifeBio provides aging care solutions and social support solutions in partnership with government agencies, offices on aging, or area agencies on aging, especially for people with complex health conditions or those at risk of depression/anxiety or social isolation/loneliness.
The Older Americans Act (OAA) Title III-D funding is one way that LifeBio or MyHello can be funded to support healthy aging and quality. Solutions are HIPAA-compliant and evidence-based.

Citizens benefit from engagement and good conversation for quality in population health management and to address Social Determinant of Health (SDoH) needs. Caregiver support is another area where we can be of assistance.
- LifeBio - LifeBio works with you to support older adults in your community by engaging citizens through voice-recording with the LifeBio Memory life story app or by phone.
Watch Video: Transform Care with LifeBio Memory
Know the people in your care. LifeBio promotes meaning and purpose and reduces depressive symptoms. Each community has a living library of older adults who can give and share with younger generations if given the opportunity. We celebrate accomplishments and capture life stories. Age-friendly communities, who are seeking intergenerational opportunities or workforce development solutions, will experience the positive impact of bringing younger and older together. LifeBio is an evidence-based solution. An old African proverb says, "Every time an old person dies, a library burns." We want to protect the wisdom and legacies of your community.

- MyHello - MyHello is a social support program (similar to telephone reassurance) that speaks with the person every week if able. Detailed logs and insights track each call. Social isolation and loneliness are linked to $3,100/yr in extra health care and pharma costs, while depression is linked to $8,500/yr per person.

MyHello is an evidence-based social support intervention delivered using ANY phone. Our automated system connects a person to another person for peer-to-peer social support conversations OR MyHello Guides reach out to people for weekly engagement calls for a set intervention period. During that period, MyHello captures specific Social Determinant of Health (SDoH) needs (such as housing, food, transportation, safety, and other issues) and automatically reports them back daily. Pre-surveys and post-surveys measure outcomes such as perceptions of health, satisfaction with life, anxiety, NPS score, and other insights. MyHello is an evidence-based solution.
MyHello is caring, supportive, and understanding, and I would absolutely recommend the program.
It’s a good program; we can talk about our feelings without fear.
They are there to talk to you if you are lonely.
I have been telling my friends. We talk just like we've known each other forever. 
- Population Health Solutions from LifeBio are customizable to help government agencies assist individuals who receive Medicaid or LTSS benefits with social support in the areas of aging in place solutions, maternal health, employment support, caregiver support, and more. Ask about the scripting that is available for these solutions. We reach out with social support to people ages 18 and up for interventions lasting for a few weeks, to three months, or ongoing.

Get in touch! Let's brainstorm together! See all research links and poster presentations on LifeBio / MyHello here.