Community & Government

LifeBio works with community organizations and government agencies to bring social engagement and intergenerational projects to life.

Community building is important, and it starts with forming deep connections between all generations. One in three Americans over age 45 experience loneliness and could face associated health risks. LifeBio is working together with mental health agencies, through government programs/grants, and community-based groups to address these problems and to promote feelings of wellbeing and social connectedness.

LifeBio offers various services to meet the needs of community organizations and government agencies. LifeBio is the life story program that helps gather life stories. Ask about our new LifeBio Memory app -- a fantastic way to capture community VOICES.  MyHello is a large-scale social determinants of health / loneliness solution for people struggling with social isolation.


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To learn more, please contact LifeBio at 937-303-4974 or email

LifeBio customizes projects for use with Community or Government organizations.

LifeBio provides social engagement and intergenerational projects.

Custom projects can be designed for your specific situation.

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