"Our Guernsey herd was such an integral part of our life… they were like family! We took them to all the local fairs: Urbana, London, Hilliard (which is Franklin County), the Ohio State Fair, and two or three others."

"Our Guernsey herd was such an integral part of our life… they were like family! We took them to all the local fairs: Urbana, London, Hilliard (which is Franklin County), the Ohio State Fair, and two or three others.

This was in 1965, and we had a world record milk producer, Mayflowers L Duchess. Each time she was milked, the weights were measured, and these measurements were kept.

When she reached the point of achieving the world record, we had a big party for her out at the barn! People from the American Guernsey Breeder’s Association came and it was a huge production. She was a beautiful cow, and she made us famous in the Guernsey business."

Alice F, Ohio

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