Consider starting a life stories program in health care settings or hospice care for a number of reasons.

1) Reminiscence impacts all dimensions of wellness -- especially the emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social aspects. Even the physical dimension is touched with reports of lowered pain and increased brain activity.

2) Life stories are a great way to connect volunteers with patients or volunteers with residents in long-term care. Given the right structure, it is not hard for a volunteer to build a relationship by learning more about the person and having a great conversation about the past. Even 20 questions in a Life Story Journal can be perfect or using an iPad to record life stories in a secure online LifeBio account. Volunteer programs in long-term care or health care settings can be enhanced through reminiscence.

3) Families are seeking new things to talk about when they visit. Opening the door to new conversation through storytelling will be appreciated. It will take away from the boredom and loneliness and long days that can result as someone is recovering in a hospital or spending time in a rehab situation or nursing home. Story Cards provided to health care settings can be a great way for families to have a structure for visiting.

4) Life review can be a necessity for those reaching the end of life. Hospice care providers are commonly looking for simple but powerful ways to allow someone the chance to say what matters most. It is important to capture the essence of the person before it is too late. Also there is a peace that comes from knowing that critical information will be passed on to present and future generations. 

5) Person-centered care and patient-centered care make it essential to know the whole person. There is nothing more person-centered or patient-centered than biography! Consider having the LifeBio Story Team create individual Snapshot summaries that can be displayed and/or Action Plans that can be used to help in care planning. These can really improve staff empathy and also be a great tool for staff -- on the importance of seeing the WHOLE person.

LifeBio has over twenty years of experience working with health care organizations to implement life story programs nationally and internationally. The program includes an online biography system, journals, class settings, and training for staff. If you would like to know more about becoming a LifeBio Authorized Organization, please call 1-866-543-3246 or 937-303-4974 or email to request more information.